Life Insurance Industry Changes

Factors  Affecting the Performance and Efficacy of Your Current Life Insurance Policy:

Life Insurance Industry Changes  

Like many industries, the life insurance industry has undergone various changes over the past several years. With interest rates at historical lows and many equity markets having performed below their historic norms, the returns of many permanent life insurance policies are much lower than originally projected forcing insurance carriers to lower crediting rates substantially, resulting in underperforming policies that could lapse, leaving you without the expected death benefit protection.

Additionally, a new generation of life insurance products has made its way into the market offering lower mortality charges, lower company expenses, and low-cost guarantees. As a result, a new policy may provide you with benefits that are not available with your current life insurance and the cost for such a policy may be very affordable compared to the current premium requirements of your existing policy. Accordingly, it is critical that your insurance be reviewed to ensure that your policies continue to meet your objectives. Some industry changes which warrant an Ariston Policy Audit and Review include:

• Older policies are severely underperforming
• Cost of life insurance has generally declined
• Better Guarantees are now available
• Certain health risks are now insurable
• Improved Riders (such as Disability Income, Long-Term Care) are available
• Funding strategies have changed
• Insurance company ratings have often changed and may no longer fit your risk tolerance
• Universal Life policies now offer significant premium guarantees

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